User Guide


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The top section of the settings (above) only applies to the current deck. All other settings apply to all decks.

Dropbox has been discontinued and replaced with iCloud .
Import - Type or paste your own data and append it to the current deck.
Export - Copy the current deck to the clipboard as text.
Style - Change the study style: question first, answer first, etc.
Reset Colours & Stats - Reset colours to red and stats to zero. All edits are preserved.
Reset To Original - If it's a built in deck, reset the colours, stats AND any edits to the deck (including new stickies).

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Applies to all decks.

Auto Randomise - Before studying, randomise (shuffle) the deck.
Pass Is -1 - Behaviour when you pass (red button) during study *
Grey Stickies - Hide the colour during study.
Summary - Show session summary dialog after studying.
SRS - Adjust the Spaced Repetition System study algorithm (What is SRS?).

* Usually, a sticky's colour is changed to red when the red button is pressed during study. With this option enabled, the sticky will instead move one colour closer to red to make things easier. This setting is ignored when there are less than 10 red stickies in the deck.

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Applies to all decks.

Browse Badge - Show number of stickies on the browse icon.
App Badge - Choose what information to display on the app icon on your home screen.
Set Browse Default - Set all decks with the current deck's browse settings.
Auto Correct - Allow spelling correction when creating your own cards.
Traditional Chars - Switching from simplified to traditional characters will also change the examples.
Pinyin Accents - Switch from using numbered pinyin.
Autoplay Audio - Audio will play automatically as you swipe stickies.
Zoom Ratio
- Choose the zoom size in tile view (only valid for larger decks).
Check For Duplicates - Checks new stickies entered by the user to see if they already exist.


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Adjust the wait between colours.
Can safely be left in "Default" unless you have specific, study requirements.

This screen is used to adjust the default intervals used in the Spaced Repetition System SRS algorithm. The above parameters are used as a guideline for the study algorithm and not as a definite rule as other priorities can alter the study sequence.

Default settings (as shown above).
The number of new new stickies that are cycled through during study.
"42 days" is a total accumulation of previous stages. i.e. 3 + 9 + 30 days = 42 days.